Parece mentira meninas, mas, passado 1 mês e meio, continuo sem computador!! Chegou a vir um monitor mas parece que se enganaram na referência e mandaram um errado. Agora estou novamente à espera...parece que não são fáceis de arranjar cá em Portugal. Não sei se é verdade ou não, mas que já estou a desesperar, estou!!
Enfim....adiante, este mês tinha prometido que acabaria a minha gorjuss, mas não consegui! :( Aliás, mal lhe toquei, verdade seja dita! Foi o mês todo para o scrapbooking. Fiz várias coisinhas para amigas e para o dia do pai e ainda tenho mais algumas para fazer até ao inicio de Abril.
Hoje mostro-vos uma tela que fiz para o maridão, para o Gui oferecer ao pai:) Não ficou bem como eu queria, mas o tempo nunca é muito para dar largas à imaginação, portanto saiu isto:P
Ele gostou muito (ou disfarçou bem:D) e isso é o que interessa. Também lhe ofereci (aliás, o Gui ofereceu, claro!) uma sessão fotográfica só os 2.:) Até porque ele queixa-se que tem poucas fotos com o filho, assim já não se pode queixar:)
O dia do pai não foi muito fácil porque ele (o pai) foi parar de urgência ao hospital com pedra no rim...dores horriveis, coitado. Depois lá passaram as dores com a medicação que lhe deram. Entretanto esta semana voltou às urgências com as mesmas dores e queixas e vimos que a pedra ainda não saiu:/ Anda agora sem dores, mas nunca se sabe quando podem atacar de novo.:/ E ainda não tem 30 anos!! Já lhe disse que está a ficar velho lol
Antes de ir quero-vos mostrar como está a minha gorjuss neste momento:) A última vez que lhe tinha tocado foi em fevereiro do ano passado, imaginem!! Estava assim :)
Agora está um bocadinho maior, embora ainda sem perninhas :D
Já prometi a mim mesma que em Abril vou-me dedicar só a ela e deixar um pouco o scrap, já que este mês o ponto cruz perdeu avanço e também tenho saudades! :)
Meninas...tenham uma fantástica páscoa, com alguns (não muitos que fazem mal à balança e ao colesterol!:p) docinhos e, acima de tudo, muita alegria e sorrisos junto da familia!
beijos a todas!!
It seems incredible girls, but after 1 month and a half, i'm still without my computer! It arrived a monitor but it seems they were wrong in the reference and sent the wrong one. Now i'm waiting again ... it seems that they are not easy to find here in Portugal. I do not know if it's true or not, but i do know that i'm going crazy!
Anyway .... moving on, this month i've promised that i would end my gorjuss, but I could not! :( In fact i barely touched her, truth to be told! The whole month was dedicated to scrapbooking. I did a lot of little things for friends and for father's day and I still have some more to do until the beginning of April.
Today I want to show you a screen that I made for hubby, to be offered by Guilherme :) It was not quite as well as I wanted, but time is never enough, so it came out this:)
He really liked (or well disguised: D) and that's what matters. I also gave him (indeed, William did, of course!) a photo session with just the 2 of them :) He's always complaining that he has few photos with his son, so now he can not complain anymore :)
The father's Day was not very easy because he (the father) went urgently to hospital with kidney stones ... horrible pain, poor daddy. Then there the pain went way with the medication they gave him. However this week he returned to the emergency room with the same aches and pains and they saw that the stone is not out yet :/ He's now without pain, but you never know when it can strike again. :/ And he's not even 30 years old! I've already told him that he's getting old lol
Before I go I want to show you is how my gorjuss is now :) The last time I took her was in February from last year, imagine! This was how she looked that time:)
Now she is a little bigger, though still without legs: D
I've promised to myself that in April I will just dedicate myself to my Gorjuss girl and put away scrapbooking for a little time, since this month i almost didn't stitched and i miss it a lot!:)
Girls ... have a fantastic Easter, with some (not many that they are bad for balance and cholesterol!: P) sweets and, above all, joy and smiles with your family!
kisses to you all!
It seems incredible girls, but after 1 month and a half, i'm still without my computer! It arrived a monitor but it seems they were wrong in the reference and sent the wrong one. Now i'm waiting again ... it seems that they are not easy to find here in Portugal. I do not know if it's true or not, but i do know that i'm going crazy!
Anyway .... moving on, this month i've promised that i would end my gorjuss, but I could not! :( In fact i barely touched her, truth to be told! The whole month was dedicated to scrapbooking. I did a lot of little things for friends and for father's day and I still have some more to do until the beginning of April.
Today I want to show you a screen that I made for hubby, to be offered by Guilherme :) It was not quite as well as I wanted, but time is never enough, so it came out this:)
He really liked (or well disguised: D) and that's what matters. I also gave him (indeed, William did, of course!) a photo session with just the 2 of them :) He's always complaining that he has few photos with his son, so now he can not complain anymore :)
The father's Day was not very easy because he (the father) went urgently to hospital with kidney stones ... horrible pain, poor daddy. Then there the pain went way with the medication they gave him. However this week he returned to the emergency room with the same aches and pains and they saw that the stone is not out yet :/ He's now without pain, but you never know when it can strike again. :/ And he's not even 30 years old! I've already told him that he's getting old lol
Before I go I want to show you is how my gorjuss is now :) The last time I took her was in February from last year, imagine! This was how she looked that time:)
Now she is a little bigger, though still without legs: D
I've promised to myself that in April I will just dedicate myself to my Gorjuss girl and put away scrapbooking for a little time, since this month i almost didn't stitched and i miss it a lot!:)
Girls ... have a fantastic Easter, with some (not many that they are bad for balance and cholesterol!: P) sweets and, above all, joy and smiles with your family!
kisses to you all!